How to bootstrap a kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud

2 min readJul 8, 2020



In this article, I will explain how you can run your applications on kubernetes engine on Google Cloud. I want to show you by numbering in steps. So let’s begin.

  1. You need a Google Cloud Platform account with billing enabled. You can get free 300$ credit with this link.
  2. Install gcloud as necessary. gcloud can be installed as a part of the Google Cloud SDK.
  3. After take your account you can now setup a kubernetes cluster. Below select the Kubernetes Engine and click Create a cluster button.

4. Now, you can set the cluster name and zone. You can leave them as default values.

5. You can set number of nodes.

6. You can enable some features on automation, network and other tabs. If you make it fast you can leave them as defaults.

7. Press the Create button and it will be ready on 5 minutes.

8. Press the connect button on the right of cluster shown on the page.

9. Copy the command and paste on your Google Cloud SDK Command line.



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